Phantom Technology Solutions Blog

Phantom Technology Solutions has been serving the Indiana area since 2010, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What You Need to Know About Point of Sale Systems

What You Need to Know About Point of Sale Systems

More small businesses than ever before are selling products, goods, and services to their loyal customers, which means they need ways to process these transactions. Enter the point of sale system, a business’ preferred tool to process transactions in a retail environment. What goes into a successful point of sale system, and how can you use one for your business?

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Automation is Key to Operational Freedom

Automation is Key to Operational Freedom

If we asked you what the difference is between productivity and innovation, would you be able to give us a clear answer? The answer is that one facilitates the other, aided by technology to improve operations and free up employees to focus on other, more lucrative tasks. Let’s take a look at how improving productivity can improve innovation, thereby increasing your organization’s ability to do great things.

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Why a Rough Economy Always Seems to Precede a Tech Boom

Why a Rough Economy Always Seems to Precede a Tech Boom

If nothing else is certain, then you can bet that the need to improve circumstances or processes gives birth to innovations of all types. Technology has proven this time and again, as new solutions have emerged to solve previously unsolvable issues and challenges not only in the workplace, but in society as a whole. Let’s examine how economic difficulty has driven innovation, specifically in the technology sector.

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Is Hardwiring Your Connections the Most Beneficial Networking Strategy?

Is Hardwiring Your Connections the Most Beneficial Networking Strategy?

Remember when you needed a wired connection between two endpoints in order to access important materials for your business? Thanks to wireless connectivity, businesses can now access online materials in a much easier fashion. The question then becomes, how does a wired connection improve your operations, and is it a benefit for your organization?

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Smart Technology Purchases Have a Smart Strategy to Them

Smart Technology Purchases Have a Smart Strategy to Them

There are plenty of companies out there making technology investments, and chances are you are ready to take the plunge yourself by investing in the appropriate business technology solutions to take your company to the next level. However, we want to caution you to only invest in the right technologies, those that push your business forward. Here are some tips you can use to make sure you are keeping this strategy at the top of your mind.

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E-Waste is a Major Problem. What Can You Do About It?

E-Waste is a Major Problem. What Can You Do About It?

E-waste is a considerable problem, and not just for businesses; it’s also terrible for the environment. Let’s go over some of the biggest reasons why discarded electronics, including some of the hardware that you invest so much money into, can be problematic, as well as some ways your organization can reduce its e-waste footprint.

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What Happens When You Rely on Untrained Employees for IT Tasks?

What Happens When You Rely on Untrained Employees for IT Tasks?

We all know that there are many nuances to managing and maintaining technology in an effective and efficient way, but who exactly is in charge of these tasks at your organization? Do you have a dedicated IT resource that you can trust to get the work done, or do you rely on your other employees to stay afloat? If it’s the latter, we have some bad news for you, as well as a silver lining to it all.

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Are Smart Technologies Coming for My Job?

Are Smart Technologies Coming for My Job?

Whether a person works in a factory or in an office environment, people have assumed that machines will eventually come for their jobs. This idea has bred a fear that machines will eventually become smart enough to do what they want to do rather than what we want them to do. This is mostly false, so we want to dispel these fears and explore how automation and other technologies can make your job easier and more efficient.

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3 Cool Gadgets That are Right for Any Office

3 Cool Gadgets That are Right for Any Office

Everyone loves a gadget. The office space has been home to some of the coolest tech, and today there are literally millions of devices that people can use in their workspace. Today, we thought we’d introduce you to three separate gadgets that may be useful in your office. 

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Hosted Email Expands Access of Crucial Business Communications

Hosted Email Expands Access of Crucial Business Communications

How often do you look at your email solution and think, “Wow, managing this thing takes up so much of our time. What would it be like to take that time and apply it elsewhere?” Today, businesses have all kinds of options for managing their email communications, one of which is email hosting provided through a managed service provider.

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Automation Most Small Businesses Can Use

Automation Most Small Businesses Can Use

Automation is a great tool for businesses of all types, even smaller organizations that might have limited access to tools and resources. Through the use of time-saving automation solutions, even a small business can empower employees to save time and focus on other aspects of their duties by automating specific tasks and processes. Here are five ways small businesses can use automation to make operations just a little easier.

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Let’s Take a Look Behind the Curtain of a Remote Business

Let’s Take a Look Behind the Curtain of a Remote Business

With today’s ever-expanding remote workforce, there is all the more reason to implement technology solutions that empower your organization to increase its range of options for working outside of the office. We’ve put together three of the key technology solutions we think your organization could benefit from to improve its remote capabilities and take business on the road.

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3 Ways You Can Take Advantage of the Internet of Things

3 Ways You Can Take Advantage of the Internet of Things

With the Internet of Things growing at a rapid pace, there are many opportunities for your business to reap considerable rewards from its proper utilization. It can automate certain processes, save you capital, and mitigate human error. Let’s examine how your business can use the Internet of Things to its benefit without breaking the bank.

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Making the Right Decision About Technology Can Help Avoid Major Pitfalls

Making the Right Decision About Technology Can Help Avoid Major Pitfalls

The idea of digital transformation can be an exciting one, especially for a small business. Let’s go over how you can make the transformative power of technology work for your company’s benefit, as well as how you can go about implementing some of these innovative new solutions.

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Microsoft Pricing is Going Up, but We Can Help Get Your Money’s Worth

Microsoft Pricing is Going Up, but We Can Help Get Your Money’s Worth

We just wanted to provide a public notice that Microsoft intends to increase the price of its Microsoft 365 and Office 365 offerings. If your business relies on these tools in its operations, you can expect to see your costs for them go up, regardless of where they are sourced from.

That’s the bad news. The good news is, we can help you get the greatest mileage out of these solutions… potentially by introducing you to capabilities that you have yet to take advantage of.

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Smartphones of 2022 - The Value Models

Smartphones of 2022 - The Value Models

Last week, we committed one of our blogs to examining some of the most impressive new flagship smartphones to be found on the market—the creme de la creme, if you will, with price tags to match. This week, we wanted to focus on a different market: those looking to get a great value for less than half of what the flagships demand. If you aren’t the type to finance a phone, here are three options to consider for less than $500.

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Smartphones of 2022 - The Flagships

Smartphones of 2022 - The Flagships

The smartphone has ushered in a revolution for communication and productivity, and in today’s world, it’s critical that we keep an eye on the developments in smartphone technology to ensure workers stay competitively productive and ahead of the game. Let’s examine three of the flagship smartphone devices for early 2022.

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VoIP is the Solution to Growing Communications Costs

VoIP is the Solution to Growing Communications Costs

Investment in communications is one way that any company can improve operations and everything that comes along with them. There are many options out there to improve communications, but few have the same impact on your bottom line as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

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Your Technology Expenses Aren’t All the Same

Your Technology Expenses Aren’t All the Same

When budgeting capital for your company’s technology, it isn’t always simple to know how much to allocate. In fact, a lot of times it can be a convoluted and troublesome experience. Our consultants spend quite a bit of time and effort working out workable budgets for our clients and today, we thought we would talk about how we come about our figures to comprehensively support a business’ technology.

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Organized Teams are Better at Collaboration

Organized Teams are Better at Collaboration

If your business could make money based on its process, you’d never need to worry about results. Unfortunately, things don’t work that way. You need to bring a product or service to market and sell it in order to make enough revenue to continue doing business. With the results-based nature of things, it becomes essential for the good of your company that you optimize your team’s ability to get things done. Today, we’ll talk a little bit about how collaboration gets better when your team is organized. 

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This is part three of a five-part series on managing your passwords. You can view the other published posts by scrolling down and clicking #Password Guide at the bottom of this page.  In this part, we’re going to cover setting up Multi...

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5097 N 600 E
Rolling Prairie, Indiana 46371

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